Yeshivat Torat HaChaim

Yeshivat Torat HaChaim is a yeshiva founded by Rabbi Shmuel Tal, originally located in the Gaza settlement of Neve Dekalim in the Gush Katif bloc. After the Gaza disengagement of 2005, the yeshivah was reestablished in the religious settlement Yad Binyamin in central Israel. Although associated with the Hardal school, Tal has taken a radical anti-Zionist position since the disengagement in 2005, and has instructed students and faculty to abstain from celebrating the Israeli Independence Day Yom Ha'atzmaut. At the same time, he stresses the need to become more involved in Israeli society, and encourages his students to serve in the ultra-Orthodox Nahal unit or to do civilian service.[1]

The yeshivah was considered the most extreme in Gush Katif with Tal as one of the most vociferous opponents of the disengagement from the Gaza Strip. Several of his pupils were detained for cutting off traffic.[2]

According to Haaretz, the yeshiva is financed by the Education Ministry, although Tal, claiming he has cut himself off from “the secular leadership”, preaches against the state, calling it an “abomination” which is defiled and is “fighting God”.[1]

In 2008, the yeshivah had about 120 married kollel students and 100 yeshiva students.[3]

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